Monday, May 28, 2012

Southern Blackberry Cobbler

Mmmhmmmm.... blackberry cobbler. Nothing like it! I LOVE cobbler. Any kind of cobbler, really. You've got your peach, blackberry, peach and blackberry, strawberry, cherry, chocolate.... Yes, you heard me! Chocolate cobbler! That's for another day and another post though.

There's something about that sweet fruit with the crisp cake on top that totally does me in. Some people make cobbler with just pie crust on top. No, no, no. That's just not how it's done. I want that fruit covered by a spongey, sweet cake on top. Then topped with a cool scoop of vanilla ice cream. Bluebell, of course. Is there any other kind?

Tonight I made blackberry cobbler since we had a big Memorial Day feast. We got a new grill and smoker over the winter, so we've been putting it to good use. Tonight we had smoked ribs,
baked beans, bacon ranch potato salad, fresh fruit salad with all the yummy fruit that's in season now, raspberry beer cocktail and this blackberry cobbler.

YUM! You'd think I'd be lying on the couch sitting in my overstuffed misery, but I mustered up the strength to get on here and share this recipe with y'all. You're welcome! :)

I wanted to keep this post kind of short, even though I know I've been slacking on the blog posts. I promise to get better! However, I do want to share a few things I've made lately, in case it offers some kitchen inspiration!

Slow-Cooker Chicken Parmesan

Shredded Chicken Enchiladas
"Best Burger Ever"
Pioneer Woman's Basic Pizza Crust
5 Cup Creamy Fruit Salad
Cake Batter Rice Krispy Treats
Knock-You-Naked Brownies

Now let's get down to the cobbler! This recipe is so easy and delicious that it will make your head spin. Also, if blackberries aren't your thing, swap them out with something else! You could use fresh peaches, canned peaches, raspberries, cherries.... anything you want! This is just how I made the cobbler tonight.Southern Blackberry Cobbler
Recipe adapted from Paula Deen

1 1/2 c. fresh blackberries

2 c. sugar, divided

1 1/2 c. self rising flour (or 1 1/2 c. all purpose flour, 1 3/4 tsp. baking powder, 1/2 tsp. salt)

1 1/2 c. milk

1/2 c. butter (or 1 stick)

1/2 tsp. vanilla

1/4 tsp. cinnamon

dash of nutmeg

Start off by preheating your oven to 350 degrees.

Now, we need to cook the blackberries a little bit. Cooking them in a simple syrup will not only sweeten those babies up, but it will create a yummy blackberry syrup that makes this cobbler so wonderful.

Dump the blackberries in a saucepan with 1 cup of sugar and 1/2 cup of water. Cook them over medium-high heat until the water turns the color of the blackberries and the blackberries feel softer. We still want them to be whole, just broken down a bit.

While those are cooking away, get out your dish for the cobbler (I used a 8" x 11") and plop (technical term) your stick of butter in the dish. We're going to melt the butter in the dish in the oven. Genius concept, right? So, stick the pan in the oven for just a few minutes. We want the butter just melted. If we leave it in too long, it could turn brown and yucky! I'd set a timer for about 4 minutes, then check it to see how it's doing. Even if it's not melted all the way, you could probably go ahead and take it out and just stir it around until it all melts.

Make sure you're keeping an eye on those blackberries! Give them a stir every now and then, but don't stir too much because they can break up easily.

Once the butter is melted, take the baking dish out and let it cool a little bit.

Let's whip up the cake mixture. In a bowl, combine the self-rising flour (if you have it. If not, combine 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, 1 3/4 tsp. baking powder, and 1/2 tsp. salt. Same thing!) Then add 1 cup of sugar and 1 1/2 cups of milk. Stir that together, then add the vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg. The mixture will be fairly thin, so don't be nervous!

The blackberries should be good to go by now! The simple syrup should be colored like the blackberries and the blackberries might start to resemble raspberries! Take them off the heat and give them one more stir. Set them to the side for a minute.

Now, you're going to think these next few steps sound crazy, but you just need to trust me. 
Pour the cake mixture over the butter in the pan and DO NOT STIR.

I repeat: DO NOT STIR. It's not necessary. Fight the urge! Paula said don't stir, so don't do it.


Ohhh, she's just kidding :)

I love her. She's adorable. By the way, did I mention that I get to MEET PAULA DEEN IN SEPTEMBER?!?!?!?! It's true, folks. Little ole' me will be mingling with the South's finest cook and I could not be more excited! She's coming to Dallas for the Dallas Metro Cooking Show and my aunt bought me a VIP ticket to meet Paula! I get to have brunch with her, hang out with her, sit front row and her cooking demonstration.... oh my goodness! I can't wait!!!!

Okay, sorry. What were we talking about? Oh, yes, cobbler!

So yes, pour the cake mix over the butter and don't stir it! The butter will float to the top.

Then spoon the blackberries over the cobbler, making sure almost every bite gets a little blackberry. Then pour the blackberry syrup all over the cobbler. This is what makes this cobbler so yummy!

I know this looks like a hot mess right now, but keep the faith!

At this point I like to sprinkle a couple tablespoons of sugar over the top because it makes the cake crispy on the top. Perfect!

Now pop the dish in the oven and bake for 30-45 minutes, depending on your oven. You'll know it's done when the blackberries are bubbling and the cake is browned on top.

Ohhh yes, she's ready!

If you're like me, you like your cobbler nice and warm with a scoop of ice cream on top. This can be served room temperature too, but we all know it's better warm.

So spoon you out some! Then top it with a scoop of Bluebell Vanilla Ice Cream......... or maybe two scoops :)
